Supplier Evaluation instruction


Supplier Evaluation instruction

This instruction includes the following documents:

instruction ; (Page Count: 7)

  • supplier list Form
  • initial evaluation Form
  • periodic evaluation Form
  • Supplier performance evaluation form

Files Format; word & excel (editable)

Download Format; zip

Files Size; 328 KB


Update date: 3/17/2023


Supplier evaluation instruction
Supplier evaluation instruction

Supplier evaluation instruction has been developed according to clauses 4-8 of ISO 9001 requirements. This instruction has prepared to evaluate the suppliers’ performance, which includes the identification, evaluation, and initial selection of suppliers. Based on this instruction, the company evaluates the suppliers in the designated periods, and it demonstrates whether the performance of the suppliers is appropriate or not.

This instruction was updated on 03/17/2013, during which a performance evaluation form was created, which includes the evaluation of quality indicators, price, timely delivery, and availability of product/service information. Also, in this version, the methods for calculating the evaluation indicators were explained.


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