ISO 45001 safety management system

ISO 45001 safety management system

ISO 45001 safety management system is an international occupational health and safety standard developed to eliminate or reduce occupational hazards from operations, products, or services. This standard emphasizes the elimination or reduction of accidents and occupational diseases by identifying and evaluating work hazards and harmful occupational factors. ISO 45001 certification was developed to reduce any factors that can cause employees and businesses irreparable harm.

Five benefits of implementing ISO 45001 safety management system

  1. Reduction of occupational diseases.
  2. Reduction of occupational accidents
  3. Increasing employee motivation
  4. Reducing treatment and compensation costs
  5. Reducing stakeholder complaints
ISO 45001 safety management system
ISO 45001 safety management system is an international occupational health and safety standard developed to

The process of establishing an occupational health and safety management system:

  • Studying the structure and processes of the organization
  • Determining occupational safety policy
  • Determining occupational safety goals
  • Documenting occupational health and safety management system
  • Designation of the HSE team
  • Determining the roles and responsibilities of the team members
  • System implementation training
  • Determining legal and requirements and other requirements
  • Monitoring and measuring occupational harmful factors
  • Identification of occupational hazards with the participation and consultation of workers’ representatives
  • Identifying and assessing the risks and opportunities of occupational hazards

Operations control includes the following steps:

  1. Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks
  2. Management of changes
  3. Procurement
  4. Emergency preparedness and response
  5. recording of Incidents and nonconformity
  6. Taking corrective action
  7. Identify and implement improvement projects
  8. Monitoring and measuring data
  9. data analysis
  10. Evaluation of compliance
  11. Internal audit
  12. Management review

Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks

a) Elimination: removing the hazard; stopping using hazardous chemicals; applying ergonomics approaches when planning new workplaces; eliminating monotonous work or work that causes negative stress; removing fork-lift trucks from an area. b) Substitution: replacing the hazardous with less hazardous; changing to answering customer complaints with online guidance; combating OH&S risks at source; adapting to technical progress (e.g. replacing solvent-based paint with water-based paint; changing slippery floor material; lowering voltage requirements for equipment). c) Engineering controls, reorganization of work, or both: isolating people from hazards; implementing collective protective measures (e.g. isolation, machine guarding, ventilation systems); addressing mechanical handling; reducing noise; protecting against falls from height by using guard rails; reorganizing work to avoid people working alone, unhealthy work hours and workload, or to prevent victimization. d) Administrative controls including training: conducting periodic safety equipment inspections; conducting training to prevent bullying and harassment; managing health and safety coordination with subcontractors’ activities; conducting induction training; administrating forklift driving licenses; providing instructions on how to report incidents, non-conformities, and victimization without fear of retribution; changing the work patterns (e.g. shifts) of workers; managing a health or medical surveillance programme for workers who have been identified as at risk (e.g. related to hearing, hand-arm vibration, respiratory disorders, skin disorders, or exposure); giving appropriate instructions to workers (e.g. entry control processes). e) Personal protective equipment (PPE): providing adequate PPE, including clothing and instructions for PPE utilization and maintenance (e.g. safety shoes, safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves).

ISO 45001 safety management system documentation

If you are interested in implementing ISO 45001, ISODOC Group has prepared a complete ISO 45001 documentation toolkit that will help you to create a safety management system. The ISO 45001 Toolkit contains all following the documents you need to register your safety management system:
  1. Policy
  2. Manual
  3. Procedures
  4. Instructions
  5. Audit checklist
  6. Processes
  7. Forms
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