

Calibration Instruction

this Instruction includes the following documents:

Instruction; (Page Count: 6)

Forms (5);

  • Calibration Equipment list Form
  • Calibration Equipment Control Form
  • Calibration Schedule Form
  • Calibration label Form
  • Calibration Validation Form

Files Format; word (editable)

Download Format; zip

Files Size; 346 KB




Calibration-instruction is used in manufacturing and service organizations to guide users in the use, maintenance, and calibration.

In Calibration-Instruction, the following activity will be defined:


Identifying the calibration Equipment

Coding of the calibration Equipment

Determining of calibration equipment condition

labeling of equipment

Calibration planning:

Determining the calibration interval

Planning to calibration of tools

establishing of calibrating


Control of calibration equipment

Validation of calibration equipment



ISO 9001 Requirements

7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources General

The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of products and services to requirements.
The organization shall ensure that the resources provided:
a) are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement activities being undertaken;
b) are maintained to ensure their continuing fitness for their purpose.
The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for the purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources. Measurement traceability

When measurement traceability is a requirement, or is considered by the organization to be an essential
part of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results, measuring equipment shall be:
a) calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information;
b) identified in order to determine their status;
c) safeguarded from adjustments, damage, or deterioration that would invalidate the calibration status and subsequent measurement results.
The organization shall determine if the validity of previous measurement results has been adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose, and shall take appropriate action as necessary.

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