Supplier Evaluation work instruction

Supplier evaluation instruction


Supplier evaluation is a process through which the organization develops and implement controls on the supplier to ensure the output of supplier processes or operation don’t adversely affect products or services provided to the customer.

When developing and establishing supplier evaluation, the organization shall determine, the type of control, control criteria, and Control period based on products or services provided by external providers and their ability to produce and deliver.

In this process, a related team of organization experts applies the supplier evaluation for the external providers through a checklist that includes the following indexes:

a)The ability of the external providers to providing of products or services including:

1-the Physical infrastructure

2-Expert workforce

3-Financial ability

4-Relevant experience in business


b)quality of products or services

c)Good and timely delivery

d)Competitive price



To apply the supplier evaluation, the organization develops a supplier evaluation instruction that includes the methods of conducting, evaluation period time, rating of suppliers, responsibility, evaluation criteria, and checklist.

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