ISO 45001 Human Resource Procedure


ISO 45001 Human Resource Procedure

This Procedure includes the following documents:

Procedure; (Page Count: 4)

Forms (4);

  • Organization chart Form
  • Competency Form
  • Recruitment Questionnaire Form
  • Organization resources Form

Download Format; zip

Files Size; 324 KB



ISO 45001 Human Resource Procedure

The ISO 45001 human resources procedure has been developed to identify, assess, and recruit the staff needed to establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve the OH&S management system.

human resources procedure is not required by ISO 45001, but the standard specifies competence and awareness as requirements for workers who affect or can affect OH&S performance.

The ISO 45001 human resources procedure
The ISO 45001 human resources procedure

ISO 45001 Human Resource Procedure

What is competency:

According to clause 7.2 of ISO 45001, the company must determine the necessary competence for workers that affect or can affect its OH&S performance and ensure that workers can identify hazards.

For this purpose, the company must determine necessary competence such as age, gender, education, skills, and knowledge, and take them into account when hiring.

Also, if necessary, the organization must take appropriate action to acquire and maintain competence and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken, and retain documented information as evidence of competence. 

ISO 45001 Human Resource Procedure

What is awareness:

Based on awareness requirements, employees must be aware of the following:

  • the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives;
  • their contribution to the effectiveness of the OH&S management system;
  • consequences of not conforming to the OH&S;
  • incidents and the outcomes of investigations
  • OH&S risks;
  • the ability to remove themselves from work situations that they consider present an imminent and serious danger to their life or health.

ISO 45001 Human Resource Requirements

7 Support

7.1 Resources

The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the OH&S management system.

7.2 Competence

The organization shall:
a) determine the necessary competence of workers that affects or can affect its OH&S performance;
b) ensure that workers are competent (including the ability to identify hazards) on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience;
c) where applicable, take actions to acquire and maintain the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken;
d) retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence.
NOTE Applicable actions can include, for example, the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the reassignment of currently employed persons, or the hiring or contracting of competent persons.

7.3 Awareness

Workers shall be made aware of:
a) the OH&S policy and OH&S objectives;
b) their contribution to the effectiveness of the OH&S management system, including the benefits of improved OH&S performance;
c) the implications and potential consequences of not conforming to the OH&S management system requirements;
d) incidents and the outcomes of investigations that are relevant to them;
e) hazards, OH&S risks, and actions determined that are relevant to them;
f) the ability to remove themselves from work situations that they consider present an imminent and serious danger to their life or health, as well as the arrangements for protecting them from undue
consequences for doing so.


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