ISO 45001 Emergency Situations


ISO 45001 Emergency Situations Procedure

This Procedure includes the following documents:

Procedure; (Page Count: 5)

Forms (5);

  • Communication emergency list Form
  • Emergency test program Form
  • Scenario Form
  • First aid kit Form
  • Emergency response plan

Download Format; zip

Files Size; 620 KB



What is meant by emergency situations in ISO 45001?

An emergency situation is a not planning situation that may occur as a result of an organizational incident or natural disaster, such as a flood, earthquake, lightning, etc., which can endanger the organization’s infrastructure, employees, customers, other stakeholders, or the environment.

What is ISO 45001 Emergency Situation?
How to identify ISO 45001 emergency situations?
Possible types of emergency situations in industrial and services units?
What are emergency preparedness and response in ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 emergency situations maneuver
ISO 45001 requirements for emergency preparedness and response


How to identify emergency situations?

When you identify potential emergency situations as a safety committee, it will help if you review the following documents and records:

  • Identification and assessment of occupational hazards;
  • Risk assessments;
  • Reports and records of past incidents;
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS);
  • Competence of workers responsible for potentially hazardous operations;
ISO 45001 Emergency Situations
Emergency situation

Possible types of emergency situations in industrial and service units?

At this stage, the committee, identifies the following potential emergency situation, including the location, causes of the emergency, and internal and external effects:

  • Fire;
  • Explosion;
  • Emission of toxic gases;
  • Chemical spills;
  • Poisoning of employees;
  • A person’s heart attack;
  • Occupational Accidents
  • earthquake;

What are emergency preparedness and response in ISO 45001?

Emergency preparedness and response is the process of identifying organizational potential and maintaining readiness to respond to emergency situations that can minimize the damage caused by such incidents.

At this step, the committee develops an emergency preparedness and response plan as follows:

  • The methods of preparedness and response to Emergency situations;
  • The resources needed;
  • Internal and external communication;
  • An Employee evacuation plan;
  • Rescuing the injured;
  • Transporting the injured to medical centers;
  • A quick shutdown plan for equipment and facilities; Emergency location control.
ISO 45001 Emergency Situations
preparedness and response

ISO 45001 emergency situations maneuver

In order to ensure the preparedness and response of the organization in case of emergency, you should prepare and periodically implement the emergency maneuver and then evaluate performance and, as necessary, revise the planned response, including after testing.

ISO 45001 requirements for emergency preparedness and response

8.2 Emergency preparedness and response

The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) needed to prepare for and
respond to potential emergency situations, as identified in, including:
a) establishing a planned response to emergency situations, including the provision of first aid;
b) providing training for the planned response;
c) periodically testing and exercising the planned response capability;
d) evaluating performance and, as necessary, revising the planned response, including after testing and, in particular, after the occurrence of emergency situations;
e) communicating and providing relevant information to all workers on their duties and
f) communicating relevant information to contractors, visitors, emergency response services,
government authorities and, as appropriate, the local community;
g) taking into account the needs and capabilities of all relevant interested parties and ensuring their
involvement, as appropriate, in the development of the planned response.
The organization shall maintain and retain documented information on the process(es) and on the
plans for responding to potential emergency situations.

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